6 Ways to Access Student Resources and Services for GBCTechTraining Students
As we are still in the middle of a pandemic, many post-secondary institutions have shifted their traditional in-class instruction and delivery of programs and courses online. Our programs have always been delivered online, and we have the resources and services to help support your success through your studies. Whether it’s looking for technical support or downloading your eCertificates, you may need to access various resources and services from time to time. Below are 6 specific ways we can help in our online program.
1. Login into the Student Resource Centre
The Student Resource Centre has a wide range of resources to help you succeed and enrich your learning experience. Simply head over to gbctechtraining.com to login to your student account. Once you have logged in, you will have easy access to review of your grades, online discussion forums, exams, videos, animations and additional supplemental learning materials. Login to your student account to get started.

2. Join the Private GBCTechTraining Facebook Group
GBCTechTraining has a Facebook group for our registered students and alumni to help you build professional relationships and take an active approach to career development. Career content is regularly shared, including job postings and career resources. If you are a registered student and have not joined our Facebook group yet, we highly encourage you to! Click here to join. Make sure to provide your full name and email entered on your registration, as well as agreeing to the group rules listed before submitting your request to join the group.

3. Contact the Technical and Tutorial Support Team
Another option for tutorial help is by contacting our Support Consultants by phone or e-mail. If you prefer to speak with a live staff member, feel free to contact by calling the toll-free number 1-866-279-1457 or email [email protected].
Student Support Center hours are;
- Monday to Friday: 9am - 10pm EST
- Saturday and Sunday: 9am - 5pm EST
If a live staff member is not available to speak at the moment, you can choose to leave a voicemail message or email and our staff will get back to you within one day.
4. Accessing and Downloading Your eTranscripts and eCertificates
As physical eTranscripts and eCertificates are put on hold due to COVID-19, GBC students now have the ability to download their official academic transcripts electronically. Both document are accessible via your Student Records account. Visit this blog for instructions on how to access your eCertificate when you have completed your program. As for eTranscripts, the request will take 2-3 business days to process with a cost of $15CAD. Check out this blog for further steps on how to access your eTranscripts.
5. Download, Install and Access Your Program Materials
After registering, a link to the web-based curriculum software will be sent to you. Once you have received and downloaded the software, you can start learning immediately. Still having trouble? This blog will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to download and install your software.
6. Writing an Exam
Taking your first online exam can be stressful and challenging. In order to help ease your way in, we provide review questions at the end of each section of the modules and practice exams for you to prepare for the final exam. We have a blog that will help you through the process.
Consider this blog a laundry list for everything you need guidance with to make your experience as a GBC Tech student greater and smoother than ever. If you still have more questions regarding to accessing resources, services, and program information, please visit us at gbctechtraining.com or contact us at 1-888-553-5333 to speak with a Program Consultant.